
East Central Indiana by Daniel Bailey

Dan sent me his most recent (?) collection of poems. I really like them. Dan is one of my favorite poets, no joke. Here is one of my favorite lines:

maybe silent hurting is the new mid-western love

When I read that, I paused, closed my eyes for a moment, opened them, read it again, and shook my head wow. East Central Indiana is appearing soon on bearcreekfeed. Wait for it.

Yum Yum I Can't Wait to Die by Sam Pink

Got this in the mail today and immediately read it start to finish. Sam Pink's stuff makes me feel dizzy, it's so good. He also included an awesome personalized message: KEN I LIKE YOU AS A FRIEND. I want to give Sam thumbs up until my thumbs pop off.

HTML Giant

has cornered the blog-about-literature-with-a-focus-on-internet-literature market.

Weird 2nd Novel Pressure, Intent, Ampersand

I stopped writing my second novel. Ideas/energy flowing into other projects. What I have so far feels good, I'm confident it'll still be fun whenever I go back to it. I'm exerting a weird pressure on myself though, the pressure to make something 'bigger' and 'more effective' and 'ambitious' for my 2nd novel. WHY?

I've been focusing on the intent behind my art lately. What do I want to do with my art? What's the goal, is there a goal? What utility should my writing have? Blaaaah? The meditation slows me down. Now: I'm trying not to define a goal, trying to trust myself as a storyteller and just write.



DB said...

thank you for the kind words.

ken, i think you've found what you need to do: "Now: I'm trying not to define a goal, trying to trust myself as a storyteller and just write."

colin bassett said...

i love that line too

ryan said...

units will be moved