
on jereme dean

Brandon Scott Gorrell has organized this: a time in space where many internet people blog about other internet people. Most of the people are writers. Jereme Dean is one of them. I was assigned to write about Jereme. I'm glad I was. Here is what I've learned about Jereme based on a long email conversation:

  1. Jereme would recommend that all humans read You Get So Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense by Charles Bukowski. I haven't read this book. Jereme says it has caused deep emotion in him. He has read a lot of Bukowski.
  2. Jereme taught me that Shel Silverstein wrote A Boy Named Sue. He thinks that Dr. Suess would beat Silverstein in a clean fist-fight. I disagree.
  3. Jereme likes many internet people, and mentioned many of the people I have linked to on the right side of this blog. GOOD JOB INTERNET WRITERS.
  4. We agree: Writers are not precious. Words are not precious. Once you've written them, let go, they're not yours, they are 'ours'.
  5. Jereme has many posts on his blog I've enjoyed reading and agreed with. This is one of them, this is another.
  6. My favorite Jereme Dean quote: LOVE IS OUTWARD
  7. We talked about arbitrary differences between the nature of 'scene' and 'community'. We disagreed, a little. I don't want to write about it here, sldfkjdklsjflsd
  8. Jereme has dealt drugs, been a drug addict, been arrested, been homeless many times, been gang affiliated, shoplifted for a year to survive, and slept on a couch for a year. He has overcome all of this 'on his own'. GOOD JOB JEREME DEAN, SERIOUSLY
  9. Jereme has extensive movie knowledge, but I stumped him with Michael Haneke. Watch those movies, Jereme.
  10. Jereme's Two Minute Mind
  11. We agree on politics: NO
  12. Where Jereme sees himself in 10 years (answered with a YouTube video):

Chris Killen asked me that final question for his thing about me.

I have tried to keep this post short. I like shorter blocks of words on the internet.

Thanks Jereme. Thanks everyone. Thanks Internet. THANKS BRAIN.

Here is a list of everyone's thing, I like them all and read them all:

Blake Butler writes about Mike Bushnell
Brandon Gorrell writes about Colin Bassett
Chris Killen writes about Ken Baumann
Colin Bassett writes about Chris Killen
Connor O'Brien writes about Tao Lin
Gena Mohwish writes about Sam Pink
Gene Morgan writes about Noah Cicero
Jereme Dean writes about Blake Butler
Jillian Clark writes about Kathryn Regina
Justin Rands writes about Matthew Savoca
Kathryn Regina writes about Kendra Malone
Kendra Malone writes about Brandon Gorrell
Matthew Savoca writes about Gena Mohwish
Mike Bushnell writes about Zachary German
Noah Cicero writes about Shane Jones
Sam Pink writes about Justin Rands
Shane Jones writes about Jillian Clark
Stephen Daniel Lewis writes about Two Tears Boy
Tao Lin writes about Gene Morgan
Two Tears Boy writes about Connor O'Brien
Zachary German writes about Stephen Daniel Lewis



i enjoyed this,

jereme is the man

Gallimaufry Girl said...

Interesting stuff. I liked the second post that you enjoyed and agreed with. I enjoyed it and agreed with it too. Especially this bit:
"saying "i love you" is effortless.

showing 'love' takes immense effort.

an effort most do not try to understand or perform."

Just, wow. So true. I often feel like no one else feels this way.

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea.

jereme said...


i should be ranting more on love and relationships soon. i want to leavet he Blake Butler post up a day or so though.

I have been 'dwelling'.

Gallimaufry Girl said...

jereme -
i look forward to reading it your rants whenever you get around to posting them.

Anonymous said...

oh, this is a nice post. there are lots of links.
you clearly don't want to talk right now because i don't think you're here or there.

310 miles to everyday yeah.